Data Engineering Interview Prep
There is a data engineering role open in DPLAN squad.
Data Engineering interview details
3 rounds (2 for me)
technical interview - 1.5 hours
leetcode style questions
40 mins python - algorithms. design and implement
SQL - answer some questions with SQL - 20 mins
- composer
- python
Types of algorithmic problems normally asked in data engineering interviews
- sorting and searching
- array and string manipulation
- dynamic programming
- greedy
- divide and conquer
- graph traversal
- trees
- recursion
- linked lists
- bit manipulation
- hash tables
- bubble sort
- insertion sort
- selection sort
- merge sort
- quick sort
- heap sort
- linear search
- binary search
- jump search
- interpolation search
Array and string manipulation
- reverse a string
- find the longest substring without repeating characters
- find the longest substring with k distinct characters
- find the longest substring with k repeating characters
- find the longest substring with repeating characters
Dynamic programming
- fibonacci
- knapsack
- coin change
- edit distance
- activity selection
- job scheduling
- task scheduling
- travelling salesman
Graph Traversal
- depth first search
- breadth first search
- topological sort
- minimum spanning tree
- shortest path
- binary search tree
- binary tree traversal
- binary tree traversal with stack
- binary tree traversal with queue
- binary tree traversal with recursion
- binary tree