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Google Storage

Object storage offered by Google Cloud.

Storage Classes

Storage Classes Overview

It is possible to store data within different classes.

The classes have different features. Storage is cheaper as you go down the list, however the cost to access objects increases.

  • Standard - frequently accessed data
  • Nearline - for data acessed monthly
  • Coldline - for data accessed quarterly
  • Archive - for data accessed less than once a year

Transfer Appliance

Transfer Appliance is a service that allows companies to upload data to the cloud by loading data onto physical hard drives and shipping these to Google

Google Transfer Appliance

Google ships appliance to customer -> Customer uploads data onto appliance -> Customer ships it back to google -> Google loads the data into the cloud.

This is a good fit if a one time upload of over 10TB is required.

Storage Transfer Service

A service to transfer data into Google Cloud service.

This service can be set up without any code, and offers centralised job management.

Places to transfer data from into Google Cloud Storage include:

  • AWS S3
  • Azure Blob storage

It is also possible to transfer data from on premise sources to Cloud Storage using Storage transfer service.

IAM roles

What are the IAM roles when it comes to Cloud Storage?

Storage Admin - Full contol of GCS resources

Storage HMAC Key Admin - Full control of GCS HMAC keys

Storage Object Admin - Full control of GCS Objects

Storage Object Creator - Access to create objects in GCS

Storage Object Viewer - Read access to GCS objects

Storage Transfer Admin - Create, update and manage transfer jobs and operations

Storage Transfer User - Create and update storage transfer jobs and operations

Storage Transfer Viewer - Read access to storage transfer jobs and operations

HMAC keys

An HMAC key is a type of credential and can be associated with a service account or a user account in Cloud Storage. You use an HMAC key to create signatures which are then included in requests to Cloud Storage. Signatures show that a given request is authorized by the user or service account.

HMAC keys have two primary pieces, an access ID and a secret.